Eclipse - 2010 was exhibited at Oz Studios at Ossington. Using objects from around SUPERJOY studio I painted this ancient event as a modern day spiritual occurence.

A recent mural for a home, the bed would be pushed up underneath the landscape. Would you like a mural for your home? Email me at


drawing in process....

Finding myself painting lately painting over old trashed canvases that contained "failed" paintings. Its funny when people throw the entire canvas away signifing the artists ultimate quit with painting all together.
Some funny things on trashed canvases are
-yellow canvas with tin man from wizard of oz hardly rendered and few pencil marks indicating the movement of tinman.
-pastel guy in scarf
-big mess of primary colours
-some guy smoking a joint. it says something like "be your own boss"
Watching lots of talks, Im surprised that i have not watched this site obssesively until now.
Also watching docs on Ancient Astronaut theory and other fun UFO conspiracies.